BookAdvisor Service 

Are you...

  • looking for something to read, but feel stuck and can’t work out what to pick?
  • keen to try something new, but not sure what kind of book you want?
  • the parent of a child who is an avid reader that’s constantly running out of books? Or a reluctant reader who isn’t sure where to find a fun read?

Our BookAdvisor Service could be the answer! Let us know what kind of books you (or your child) enjoy, and our staff will select items for you.

Click on one of the links below to submit a request for either a Curated or Quick Picks selection, then simply fill in the fields and our team will handpick your items for you.

Quick Pick Selection

Select a genre-based bundle of items which will be available for you to pick up within one working day. Items are selected by staff based on what is currently on the shelf.

Quick Pick Selection Form

Curated Selection

Our Curated Selection service allows you to enter detailed information about the kind of books you enjoy, and receive a carefully selected list of up to five suggestions. A list is ready within five working days.

Curated Selection Form

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